Given our large network of buyers and business partnerships across North America, we are uniquely able to provide our customers:

**We only offer shipping on vehicles purchased through us

Dealing with Imperial Exports for your vehicle export means you will benefit from all our payment and financing advantages, such as:

The buyer is able to deposit a small percentage of the sale price of the vehicle as agreed upon at the time of the order confirmation. The remainder of the balance is payable upon confirmation of the arrival of the vehicle at its chosen port of destination.

Our Carefully Managed Process

Vehicles are transported from their point of origin, to our selected warehouses via boat, truck or train, and are fully insured in order to cover any potential flaws or damage that might be incurred by accident.

Once the vehicles reach our warehouse, they are stored in their container in a way as to not move or get damaged during shipping. The vehicles are anchored to the bottom of the container with steel cables and timber wedges able to resist over a ton in tension. Each container is also properly tagged by customs with ID tags for proper security.

You can be at ease with your vehicle export, our detailed planned-out logistics has you covered from your port of origin to your destination port.

All containers are closed and sealed in our North American warehouse. They are not re-opened until their arrival on the premises of our logistics and customs offices, in key ports of North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

A noteworthy mention, is that all of the companies that intervene in the process, from beginning to end, are the same for all vehicles sold by Imperial Export. This ensures that quality standards and utmost care in the handling of the vehicles are maintained from start to finish.

Imperial Export provides all the necessary documents required for clients to import their car into the desired final destination.

With Imperial Export, purchasing your vehicle from anywhere in the world becomes a clear, fast and fully guaranteed process.

Furthermore, Imperial Export has special interest in reaching out to customers in markets such as the European Union, China, Russia, Africa and the Middle East.


A true turn-key solution for your car exports

Export documentation provided

We provide the necessary official documents required for our clients to import their vehicle into the desired final destination’s port.

No taxes or hidden fees

When you purchase with Imperial Export, we do not charge additional sales taxes on your vehicle, nor any extra hidden fees.

Secure shipping & all risk insurance included

Not only do we transport your car for free, we make sure that the shipping container is secured with proper customs ID tags and your vehicle is insured.

Purchasing Options

We offer financing for select ports and accept letters of credit. 100% LC accepted.